Well, KIRCHNER SUPPORT CENTER has a partnership with the none profit Association loi 1901 YEHKRI COM A.C.C. to help artists and writers to get published.
This Associaton is offering artists and authors to get there work published with YEHKRI.COM A.C.C. Publishing Service and to be registered at {bnf to be catalogued as published authors. As they are a none profit Association, they have to ask the author to cover the first setting up and production cost of there book. But they can help you as well to get a subvention to cover your project (but that can take time...). They make sure, that your work is published the way YOU want it and working closely together with you to reach your goal. After the work has been published as a physical book (softback or hardback) or as an eBook, they assure that the work is placed on the standard online platforms to the public. As well they offer your work to be seen on there own Publishing Service website as more and more have problems with Amazon. Books are seen as "out of stock" on the Amazon site! That happens often, IF you did not use Amazon's own KDP Service. And naturally, the published author with YEHKRI.COM A.C.C. Publishing Service can order his/her own author-copy's for the charge of the production and shipping cost over there website. As for sure an author wants to give his/her new work away to freands and family or ask the local bookshop to place the book in the window... And the nice one is, that YEHKRI.COM A.C.C. Publishing Service have a "fair share policy". That means, the author gets 80% of any royalties or profit that are comulated through any sales of his/her work over there system.
For more information and questions, just mail them at plc(@)yehkri.eu.